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Scaling and polishing is a professional cleaning procedure involving removing plaque and tartar from the teeth. We believe prevention is better than cure, so we encourage our patients to attend regular teeth cleanings while maintaining their dental health at home.
Our mouths are constantly bathing in saliva, which contains calcium that helps to strengthen and protect your teeth. Although this is good for our teeth, when we fail to maintain good oral hygiene regimes, the calcium can build up around teeth leaving a chalky substance on your teeth. If this chalky substance is allowed to accumulate on the teeth, it will provide a breeding ground for bacteria on the gums.
The purpose of cleaning, scaling, and polishing is to smoothen the tooth enamel, making it resistant to sticky plaque and bacteria, allowing you to keep your teeth clean with regular home care.
Are you intrested in Scaling and Polishing?
Let us know, and we will assist you with setting up an appointment.
One of our experienced dental hygienists will utilise modern dental technology to effectively clean the tartar off your teeth, leaving them smooth and bacteria-free.
Scaling involves using an ultrasound scraper to remove the bulk of tartar and smaller handheld instruments to remove build-up from hard-to-reach areas. Once all the build-up is removed, our dental hygienist will polish the surface of the teeth to smooth out any rough texture.
Cleanings may also involve a fluoride treatment to help strengthen the teeth.
We encourage our patients to incorporate both at-home care and regular dental visits to maintain proper dental health. This means dental cleanings every 6 months, but the brunt of the work will happen at home.
It's essential to brush and floss daily, although we will advise on specific dental habits to practice.
Contact us today to arrange your dental cleaning.
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